



Why are you running for City Council?

I have a vision for the City.  A vital, strong community with green space, trees and flowers.  A community that fosters new businesses, and appreciates its existing companies.  A safe community with low crime rates.  A secure community, that solves problems before they turn into major issues.  A community with well kept streets, trails and parks.  A community that quickly plows its streets in winter, has good water and problem free sewers.  A community where there is room for every generation, with excellent schools and senior housing.  I will listen and respond when you contact me.  I believe in Eden Prairie, and will work to keep it a great community.


Keep Our Quality of Life

Keep our current level of City services.  Continue our sensible tax structure.  Support long range planning and innovation to lower city costs.  Follow good maintenance practices.  Fund our police, fire and community safety needs.  Watch for hazards in our city, and stop problems before they get started.  We can have the great quality of life that we have come to expect and are known for in Eden Prairie if we put priorities on:


I would appreciate your vote November 8!